
Showing posts from June 3, 2012

Omnipresent Eroticism

poem Not your ordinary love poem Love ginger orange poems Oozing over the tablet on my smoothe thighs and hips massage into my Ghirardelli chocolate skin memoirs Feeling free again To write my erotic power into Existence Omnipresent eroticism You see when I was just a wee age of 7 An old man tried to take away my young innocence Not knowing my dad had already collected his treasure years prior For so long feeling like spoils I lost something I had And years later I beckon her back That what was taken that belonged to Goddess and Divine Me's And we alone~ Right now as we read the lines of this Omnipresent eroticism We stand in warrior pose & Fight and Dance our ways back to it: ~Our Genuine Erotic~ In present tense End of sentence ~ I take broken pottery pieces and see the ancient wisdom scribed On shattered fragments that I once discarded Run away in fear Step into in faith, love, forgiveness, compassion, faith And ...

A Vow to My Inner Beloved!

A Vow of Love to my Inner Beloved Cause my embodied divine, knows a real woman when she sees her And a real woman knows my embodied divine ain't afraid to please we And a real woman knows my embodied divine always comes first And my embodied divine just can't deny a womans worth In order to rise from its ashes a Phoenix must first burn SO I sat down wrote my Beloved Phoenix a love letter - like to here it- here it go- I vow to self love when I feel utterly alone and deeply interconnected in this place When I was 15 years old I said nothing while I was teased by a young boy in my classroom Because I wanted so badly to be liked I vow to love myself to say no to that moment in time and release in love I vow to stand up for justice and my own voice The angel in heaven just signed my name When I was 20 I made love for the first time and denied my own needs for the needs of another I vow to voice my needs I vow self-acceptance and acceptance of you and you an...