Dapper Divas Thanks and Summer KHHP fundraising update!

Greetings Dapper Divas attendess, Thank you ALL for coming out and participating in our first Dapper Divas Networking Brunch. It was wonderful co- hosting a space to kiki over light and deep conversation, delicious home cooking (courtesy of Chef Sacred), give out great FAGs and KHHP take home packets, and hopefully foster lasting old+new connections. It was refreshing witnessing our circles begin to support each other's dreams- with concrete resources and referrals. The Spirit of Ujimaa- Collective work and responsibility truly began to come alive Sunday afternoon, July 28th. Special thanks to Andrea Durojaiye, who endorsed as founder of Fundraising Activist Geeks. Your organizational skills, support, and efficiency are invaluable! *** Attendees and donors- Thank you for your participation! Your presence has made it possible for me to reach my KHHP practitioner training summer fundraising goal of 74%, and rising!*** Please continue to check out my b...