
Showing posts from May 23, 2021

How To Become Your Own Beloved By Sacred Walker

  How To Become Your Own Beloved IN THIS EPISODE: Sacred takes a car ride to a river.  She describes sitting by a river and releasing pain to move forward in love after a breakup.  In doing so, she creates her own healing “love medicine.” Sacred will guide us through acknowledging hurt/ where we are, encourage people to pause and also to release old pain.  Then, she will talk about our need for security.  She will encourage listeners to put themselves in priority status and imagine who they will be in their next relationship.  Becoming Your Own Beloved will set you up for real love. Record Date: Thu 9/24 @ 3PM EST 8 MINUTE READ TIME HOST INTRODUCES (STEVE) INTRO (:20) STEVE:  Sacred Walker is a therapist and coach  in New York City. For over a decade, she’s worked with people from all walks of life.   And in this work, she has learned a LOT about relationships, including rediscovering love after heartbreak.  Her experience led her t...