Would you get a massage in a workplace surrounded by landmines?
Would you get a massage in a workplace surrounded by landmines? Recently, I was having a conversation with an HR director. I was referred to their site because their employees were complaining of experiencing racist comments and didn’t know how to deal with it. In the conversation with the HR director, she was explaining to me that they had wellness programs on site. They had individuals who rendered massage services and yoga. Then came the teaching moment- would you get a massage in a workplace surrounded by landmines? Let’s just say that this conversation opened the door to others, then it hit me that it had to come back to sharing this conversation with my network. Landmines, you ask? Isn’t that drastic? What does someone making a comment to me in passing have anything to do with my health? Would you invest in a condo as a light sleeper that came with a brand new very comfortable high end bed, gorgeous view of the city, and was built above a 24-hour roc...