Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care- Watch me.

My former supervisor shared this you tube video with our Hospital team.* Watch this video: Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care This video is truly a reminder that fostering the soul care in health care , specifically practitioners showing empathy and compassion, can go a long way for how we as practitioners and as service recipients approach giving and receiving care. I believe, it reminds us to walk a day in our "clients" shoes, and bottom line, treat others with the care and professionalism that we all deserve. I am not always perfect at showing up at my 100% best as a practitioner or as a client. My emotions, like many others, at times get the best of me. I stub my toe, somebody insults my family member, I get a scary call, and my mood changes, paints my day differently. My experience changes the minute that the negative thought enters my consciousness. But God... invites in ease in a simple a moment, as taking in a breath. And when I remember that, I res...