Reaching out for support of Trip to India etc.

July 4, 2012 Dear Friends, Family, Colleagues, and Community: I am writing to tell you that I am embarking on a major transition in my life and would like to extend a call for your support. I am pleased to announce that I am the only North American that has been accepted into the Field Service Learning Program in Kerala, India . Here I will be gifted the opportunity to learn Holistic Medicine (Ayurveda), Yoga, and Meditation, and serve youth through facilitating theater groups which will critically engage community issues. I will be working alongside a team of international students from throughout the world. Upon my return, I will be individually and collaboratively offering presentations on my learning on preventative integrative medicine, holistic healing, and drama therapy. My short term intention is to provide the budding knowledge of holistic healing to my community of supporters and the communities I am connected. My long-term intention is to open up a holi...