
Showing posts from January 3, 2016

From Kuumba to King: Inspired by Life!

An Investment in  Kuumba Health LLC  today is an investment in the Kwanzaa Principal- Kuumba: Kuumba   (koo-OOM-bah) Creativity "To do always as much as we can in the way that we can in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than when we inherited it." Dear Kuumba Health Community, In 2016,  Kuumba Health  will transform the lives of over  400  people in the next year. Our team includes 1 part time staff (Founder, Sacred Walker), one  Kuumba Health  is increasingly focusing on supporting our first responders who support those impacted by trauma. Invest in Kuumba Health's Start Up Capital Campaign HERE . Since the personal is political. the principle Kuumba Came in very handy for me on September 17th 2015. On September 17th, I understood fully what fostering the soulcare in community health-care meant to me on my way to co-presenting my first workshop on Capital Hill, at the National Black Justice Co...