Young women find light in dark corners (Kerala, India)

Today, I am working with Field Service Learning India in Kerala, India. I am working alongside 18 other volunteers of varying experience with young people, from all over the world. The video below is a brief introduction to some of the young people that 5 of the 19 (including myself) volunteers have been working with. With varying numbers of 12-40 youth-The task is beautiful yet daunting. These young children (and some old in age) are labeled special needs children and mostly are young women who have been orphaned as well. After completing an activity with them today I am brought to tears at the ways both that love, being present, and a hug can teach just as much as team building and drama therapy activities do. I am both honored to work alongside and co-lead this team and to be allowed in the hearts of these sweet and many developmentally challenged young women. Today my moment of joy was when 2 young women began to take over the musical chorus activ...