What's your ONE big decision?



I've been thinking a lot recently about how taking action (or moving like a fan in my own head, back and forth, in inaction) ONE decision to not act can drastically change a human being's life.

Recently, as I sat in a room of amazing global scholars & business owners, I spoke my dream out loud- a dream I have been cooking for the last decade- and travelled the world and back again to test out and all I heard was white noise.

I froze inside. At first, I went into my head and heard the following:

Why did you say that? No one even understands what you were saying. You can speak in front of thousands and have, now you stumble in front of 25.

Thank God for my inner critic and cloud clearing tools- so I can hear my intuition more clearly.

And once I entered into my Love Medicine vault, out clear as day came that voice.

It dawned on me, you acted! I heard that deep within, you acted, and how will your vision be heard if you do not speak it out loud. Give them a chance to understand.

And then I had a peace wash over me. Not because I did not have that frozen in headlights look for a moment, but I owned by calling- it felt clear and amazing.

It was then I realized that I was sitting in inaction in an area of my life, that I was ready to heal and shift- before having my tools this would have gone poorly. 

I returned to my body, and the room full of scholars, and claimed my calling- and knew my time was now.

Something about saying yes, no matter how many times you do it, to something that you know can truly shift your life- is simply amazing.

It can accelerate your trajectory… your growth… your life.

Or quickly spiral you down a deep, dark, dismal hole if you stay in that out-of-body place (or even worse, don’t even see clearly you are there).

There are quite a few decisions I and some family members took in the past that reminded me that I could achieve anything I put my mind to and profoundly changed the course of my life forever.


  • My mother decided after she had a really bad bout with mental health and stress, to tell me that the voice of my intuition (my God/dess within) would never tear me down. That the voice that uplifted me was the voice to listen to-and it stuck. My tools and strategies just backed it up. That investment she made in my intuition continued to grow seeds today- and later saw me through that frozen moment I discussed earlier.

  • Me decided to leave my high-paying healthcare job to start my very first counseling and coaching business from a tiny yet gorgeous corner of a research library- to now having multiple offices where I do what I love daily- supporting you.

  • Starting Kuumba Health & the Love Medicine Vault!

And am proud to share, being featured in the Black EOE (Employment and Opportunity) Journal- and hopefully inspiring more people to go after their dreams.

I envision I'll look back in 20-25 years, sitting with how this one decision to act in service of what aligns with who I truly am called to be, imperfectly perfect and whole- secured the future of my lasting legacy, and remained an answer to my ancestors’ prayers. 

My healing generational patterns and creating new habits touched one life that touched the lives of many.

It's wild to think what life would be like without those choices; those actions.

So why am I sharing ALL this with you?

For many of my members, deciding to tend to their mental health from a mind-body-spirit approach, while exploring how they can make their dreams even more of a reality- to their existing daily lifestyle goals is the ONE critical decision that completely changed their personal and professional life.

See more here:


If you are connected to me, you already know there are SO many stories like the ones highlighted, and that all of these stories have come from ONE bold action- which built upon other bold actions that create bold changes and results.

That ONE action to get begin a healing journey or to apply a Love Medicine tool (for real and do the work), or join one of our free masterclass Mini Summits & Coaching Orientations started their journey to creating consistent wellbeing pathways and sustainable life choices with soulful success strategies- that work.

And if you're ready to make a leap of faith with me, I am ready too…

I'm opening up my private practice to a few people this season.

If this looks like something you or a friend are ready for a breakthrough clarity call

Go here to reserve your spot

Trust yourself.

Wellness wishes and encouragement this season. 

As the saying goes- a strong tide raises all boats. Looking forward to raising with you.


PS: Are we already connected on all social media channels. I would love to share updates alongside healthy alternatives to what pulls our mind? If not, let us connect here! If you are active on Facebook or Instagram I am back to posting there this week, and would love to see you subscribed here!


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