A Mindful Movement Invitation by Sacred Walker [Inspired by UF Healing Arts Training]

This poem was inspired by my recent visit to the Ocean and the physiology of healing arts advanced training at the University of Florida, of which I am enrolled. I recently also created a poem with one of the people I work with recently in support of his growth as a former veteran. It inspired me to get back in touch with my poetic expression as well.


Sacred Walker

The Sacred Art of Dancing Love into my Cells

I am at the ocean in my mind. 

I see the sky that is now cloudy starting to break open to the sun. 

I am so in awe of the light of God shining down on my body on this chilly Fall morning. 

I am in awe of The bravery that I have in my all white clothes to take my blanket and emerge out to the waters on this gloomy day. 

I stand up and open my mouth and say thank you to Mother ocean: Yemonja. 

I say thank you to the ways that she holds us and as interconnected life. 

I began to hear the cry and the hurt of being filled with caste aside waiste. 

Of plastic bottles and being filled with metal trays of human beings not appreciating that they are one with water because we are majority water. 

I recognize that in holding what is coming up in the in the ocean I see that I too have pain cells, pain memories of plastic bottles and metal trays: toxic energy that no longer belongs. 

Energy of believing once upon a time that I was less than because of the color of my skin, less than because of my gender, and less than because of my sexual orientation. 

I am a ceiling breaker, and breaking glass ceilings, may leave shards if I am not intention of with whom I move and how I step...

I stand up with Spirit. Andra Day Rise comes up in my Spirit.

And say yes to releasing, to throwing out, to transform into:

Shifting the physiology of hurt in my body 

Of saying yes to my beauty as a Goddess. Our interconnected beauty.

My beauty as a lesbian woman. 

My beauty as a black CEO and as a intuitive clinician and healer.

My profile 

My nature as a humble and confident Manifester. 

I release self-doubt and I call in the love into the cells of my being in this dance and I begin to open my arms and it out stressed yes. 

I put my Palms up and more and more light begins to shine down onto my body and the clouds no longer look as though they will be clouds in my mind. 

And I am in awe of the fact that even though it is cold outside there is heat rising in my my body and I begin to Circle my arms and my inner child begins playing. 

I recognize that in play Michael {Physician and Professor out of University of Florida Healing Arts Training]

is absolutely correct there is the power of Shifting cells that don't just begin today. I have been speaking to this for years and it is great to have a phsyicians lens on cellular healing and our nervous system.

They are old ancient cells. 

They are ancient ones that have been trapped in us that speak to our grandmother and great-grandmother and great great grandmother of indigenous ancestors who know the pain and suffering of feeling like the land that is in their body has been infiltrated by outside external forces 

And I channel that right now.

 I begin to hug myself and say thank you to my heart for loving even amidst times where I felt unloved. 

I say thank you to my mother who struggled but yet still found the words to every single day kiss me on the temple in between my third eye to say I love you. 

Always knowing that my third I would be clear even when stress blocked my vision,I move stress and thrive.

I say thank you at the Basking of this ocean 

Opening my eyes

I begin to see birds line up along the shoreline facing me with their beaks and at one point where I would have been afraid of the ways the seagulls are staring at me 

feeling like there might be a threat 

all of a sudden I see a sea of protection. 

I see protection of birds & recognize that I am taking flight. 

And they have come to take fight with me so as my hands outstretched again 

I begin to move and swirling dance slowly and shake my hips and call into these hips that were abused by males;

father included 

I begin to dance and call in loving memories into my hips

To the ocean that is the beauty of the sea the beauty of the Winds of Change 

and I called at in right now. 

And that energy of love and send her. 

I sent her myself

My inner child that experiences joy, that invites innovation each day unconsciously and consciously

 and land I begin to see my heart open in ways that even didn't quite understand 

Centering at the ocean again I close my eyes

I am at the ocean in my mind. 

I see the sky that is now cloudy starting to break open to the Sun. 

I am so awe of the light of God shining down on my body on this chilly fall morning. 

Very subtle yet deeply impactful

My body rocks to the sound of the ocean

My dance is a calling to connect to the ocean goddess 

to the connection that is the beauty of the sea 

the beauty of the winds of change 

and I call that in right now. 

And so and that energy of love I sit and center. 

 I can see even though my eyes are closed.

I can see the sea of human being saying 

rise up

continue forward 

I hear ancestors turning pain to power

we jumped over board

So you





Prevent madness by moving through the pain 

so that Madness does not take over 

Bully yourself less to reduce bullying in the world

Loving kindness to your self

Love Medicine in the world is contagious

Healing Arts heals cells

And has deep physiological impacts when you allow it to transform your life

when the world around you is feeling mad

you know you are not swarmed by the clouds

And the Fall day breaks

And the sun shines down

As in agreeance

I settle in sent her and ground. 

At the ocean

The cold bothers me less on this blanket on the sand

My inner fire increases my vitality


The universe says thank you 

thank you for tuning 

in and saying yes. 

today more than yesterday 

you understand who you are 

And the world is richer for me/we

Sacred Walker


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