Happy New Year 2014– Winter Newsletter: Black History Month Debut!
Dear Kuumba Holistic Healing Project Network Member,
Watch this:
Circle of Voices: Season 2 Featuring Sacred Walker of the Kuumba Holistic Healing Project Here!
- Sacred Walker
Founder/ Clinical Consulting Practitioner
Kuumba Holistic Healing Project
I hope you enjoyed this quarterly. This slowly cooked winter meal comes with the dessert, of giving the gift that keeps on giving. If you would like to make a contribution today to support the development of KHHP: marketing promotional tools, website development, and trademarking legal fees, go to paypal.com and donate to the e mail address: kuumbaproject@gmail.com. Any donation big or small will off set the costs needed this quarter: $500. Your generosity, hence, continues to bring sunshine into our cold New York days.
Thank you for your continued generosity toward KHHP, giving the gift that keeps on giving. You are a part of an international network of over 1,500 people, and growing! If you would like to be featured in the spring quarterly, and are a U.S. resident, e mail a little blurb about yourself and your services to: kuumbaproject@gmail.com.
Wishing you an abundant New Year and blessed Black History Month!
- Sacred
Welcome to the Kuumba Holistic Healing Project's (KHHP) Winter Newsletter Debut. I will send one out every season. The 3 pages below are cooked carefully with love, health tips, and KHHP updates- in honor of the New Year and in celebration of Black Love, for Black History Month. Enjoy!
This will be an on going interactive process, so feedback welcome.
Much love, wellness, and prosperity into 2014!
Circle of Voices: Season 2 Featuring Sacred Walker of the Kuumba Holistic Healing Project Here!
- Sacred Walker
Founder/ Clinical Consulting Practitioner
Kuumba Holistic Healing Project
I hope you enjoyed this quarterly. This slowly cooked winter meal comes with the dessert, of giving the gift that keeps on giving. If you would like to make a contribution today to support the development of KHHP: marketing promotional tools, website development, and trademarking legal fees, go to paypal.com and donate to the e mail address: kuumbaproject@gmail.com. Any donation big or small will off set the costs needed this quarter: $500. Your generosity, hence, continues to bring sunshine into our cold New York days.
Thank you for your continued generosity toward KHHP, giving the gift that keeps on giving. You are a part of an international network of over 1,500 people, and growing! If you would like to be featured in the spring quarterly, and are a U.S. resident, e mail a little blurb about yourself and your services to: kuumbaproject@gmail.com.
Wishing you an abundant New Year and blessed Black History Month!
- Sacred