Check out the Nia Gathering- Where Wild Women Loving Women Rejoice!
Nia provides women loving womyn of color, like myself, the opportunity to connect and celebrate our full humanity. This is an awesome space that I have attended for years, that I highly recommend. Here I am rejoicing with other powerful sisters and sister elders at our closing ceremony. Simply rejuvenating!
Nia means purpose, and that is exactly what it attracts- Purposeful Women.
Fore more information or to register visit:
Scholarships are available- ask me how I know!

Nia means purpose, and that is exactly what it attracts- Purposeful Women.
Fore more information or to register visit:
Scholarships are available- ask me how I know!

* Disclaimer: This post is not an endorsement of this organization, and more so shares professional opinions. This report is an op-ed piece, and encourages those specifically seeking more info to to make the most informed decisions from a wide range of perspectives, with this as one of many. I encourage those seeking it to find the best fit for your unique needs. I hope this piece is both informative and enjoyable.
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Appreciations as well for being an integral part of the Kuumba Holistic Healing Project's growing community.
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