Inner awareness for an improved lifestyle...

What: Self assessment of your Ayurveda  composition: "Prakruthi"

How: It is used by holistic doctors in assessments, and is provided below FREE of charge to you! 

Training Location: Parissini Ayurveda Medical College in Kerala India this summer.

When: July 2012

Purpose: Awareness of your AYURVEDA Doshas can help bring balance and wellness to your lifestyle. More information on what to do with the answers to come.


Body Built
Narrow hips and shoulders, thin abdomen
Moderate build, normal abdomen
Broad hips and shoulders, large abdomen

Body structure
Lean, tall
Medium size
Heavy short

Body temperature
Slightly less than normal
Slightly above normal

Body weight

Low, Poor
High, Good

Skin Condition
Dry, rough, cold and wrinkled
Soft, oily, delicate with moles and pigmentation
Oily, pale, moist and smooth

Dry, colour and curly, scanty
Fine, soft, associated with premature graying
Oily, thick, dense, straight of wavy

Large, protruding, crooked (More cavities)
Yellowish, moderate (more discolored)
White and large

Small, black, or brown
Green or Grey
White, clear, moist

Voice, Speech
High pitched and fast, missing words
Medium pitched, sharp, clear cut
Low-pitched, slow resonant, clear, melodious, monotonous

Very easily with foul bad odour

Bowel Movements
Dry, hard stools, constipated, irregular, and less in Quantity
Softly, oily loose stools, regular evacuation
Heavy solid stools, regular evacuation

Physical activity
Restless, gets tired Quickly
Aggressive, focused
Calm and steady

Appetite, digestion
Sharp hunger
Mild hunger

Ability to hold hunger
Some time good, some time poor
Very good

Quantity of food
Some time large, some time poor
Always large

Taste preferences
Oily, heavy, warm, sweet, salt, sour tastes
Light, cold, sweet, bitter, astringent
Dry, light, hot, spicy, pungent, astringent

Very Often

Emotional State
Fearful, anxious, insecure, unpredictable
Aggressive, irritable, angry, quarreling
Calm, agreeable, stubborn

Mental tendencies
Questions, postulates
Judgmental, artistic
Stable, logical

Sleep pattern
Short, disturbed sleep, lasting for 4-5 hours
Sound, medium disturbed, lasting for 5-7 hours
Deep, restful, prolonged, easy fall asleep, lasting for 8 hours

Dreams while asleep
Fear, flying, running
Fire, emotional
Of water (being near water areas)

Sex urge
Cyclical, infrequent

Good, but not prolonged

Financial Behavior
Spends quickly and unwisely
Moderately saves and accumulates
Saves a lot and accumulates

Quantity of pulse
Fast with abnormal beats
Moderate, Jumping
Slow and steady

Pulse rate
80-100 beats per minute
70-80 bears per minute
60-70 beats per minute
(To take place two fingers on inside of wrist)
Response when threatened
Fearful, anxious, withdraws
Angry, irritable, fights
Indifferent, withdraws

Dry, crunchy, snacks, salty sour food
Greasy foods, spicy foods, iced drinks cold food
Sweet, sticky desserts, smooth, creamy textures

Food desired
Warm foods
Cold food
Warm/ dry food

Loves sun, warmth, miserable, nervous in high winds dryness and cold, like wide open space
Loves cool weather, irritable on heat and high humidity, likes being near lakes, oceans, rivers
Loves warmth eg., sunshine, suffers in high humidity, cold, damp, not affected by weather, changes

Sensitive to
Noise, pain, cold drafts
Heat, light, colours
Touch and emotions

Performance and activities
Quickly with a lot of initiative
Moderately medium initiative
Very slow

Very quickly

Power to grasp
Very fast

Very quick with swift movements
Slow and steady gait

Tally up your Dosha composition numbers.
The highest number is your primary composition/ nature. The second is your secondary. Ideally you want to make lifestyle changes that bring your third lowest into better balance with the other two. More information to come on how...

*For now HERE is some information on Prakruthi, and the DOSHA compositions:
 Vata, Pitha, and Kapha from Wikipedia.

A dosha is one of three bodily humors that make up one's constitution according to Ayurveda. These teachings are also known as the Tridosha theory.
The central concept of Ayurveda medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily humours or Doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
  • Vāta or Vāyu (wind) is the impulse principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system. It affects the windy humour, flatulence, gout, rheumatism, etc.[1][2]
  • Pitta (bile) is the bilious humour, or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin; its chief quality is heat.[3] It is the energy principle which uses bile to direct digestion and hence metabolism.
  • Kapha (phlegm) is the body fluid principle which relates to mucous, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients.
All Ayurveda physicians believe that these ancient ideas, based in the knowledge discovered by the Rishis and Munis, exist in harmony with physical reality. These Ayurveda concepts allow physicians to examine the homeostasis of the whole system. People may be of a predominant Dosha prakruti (constitution), but all Doshas have the basic elements within them.

In exchange for this FREE quiz, please share your thoughts on if and how this can be applied to your life on my life. Thank you! Your feedback improves our services.

Sacred Walker

* Disclaimer: This post is not an endorsement of Ayurveda, and more so shares professional opinions. This report is an op-ed piece, and encourages those specifically seeking more info to to make the most informed decisions from a wide range of perspectives, with this as one of many.  I encourage those seeking it to find the best fit for your unique needs. I hope this piece is both informative and enjoyable.

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